Ooh Gabby!! You are making me yearn for GOT! I haven’t read Fire and Blood or watched House of Dragons after the gut wrenching disappointment of the GOT series finale. But I devoured all the other books and hope still that the final ones (whenever they are actually completed) will deliver a more fitting ending. I read The Blade Itself so perhaps now it’s time to read the rest of the series!! I am still waiting and hoping that one day there will be Doors of Stone to follow The Name of the Wind and Wise Man’s Fear - have you read them?

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Let us just forget about that ending! I am really enjoying House of the Dragon - it has just brought back some of the best of what GoT had in the beginning <3

Oh please finish the rest of the series! I would love to discuss it with you after

I have read The Name of the Wind, Wise Man's Fear is on my reading list for this year - but I am delaying it due to the fact that this is another unfinished series ahaha. I cant seem to escape the unfinished series

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