Good to hear you are feeling better. Plague season indeed! Love that shot of the illustrated Tolkien, sheepskin and coffee. Dreamy. Stay well, Gabby. Happy reading.

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Ouf it so is! Half my office went down a couple of weeks ago with the flu and now the rest of us are down 😆 way to kick off the season!

it was a cosy vibe for sure with the sheepskin 💛 hope you guys are doing well!

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We’re in good form, thank you. Easing into Autumn days. Inching towards the fire being lit … not yet though. The logs piles are tidied and it won’t be too many days before the shorts are put away and the jeans emerge!

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Feel better soon!

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thank you! I'm so fed up with being sick, but fingers crossed this is the last stretch 💛

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