Enjoyed reading this with my morning coffee. It very much resonated with me. I have slowed my reading down a lot this year and I feel it is helping me slow other parts of my life down too. Deep diving back into Hilary Mantel is a particularly joy as well as really exploring some poetry. There are books that are written to grip the reader and make them keep turning the pages which I have read and enjoyed, but it's the conscious choice that is keeping me grounded and content.

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So nice to hear that it resonated! I definitely agree, that slowing down my reading has helped a lot on other parts of my life.

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Ah thank you so much for the kind words! Tis an honour to be included alongside Jess Pan - a true substack great!

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Of course! I really enjoy your substack - I get to be nerdy and all giddy about old stuff!

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I love this! Thank you for sharing 🤩

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Thank you for reading! 💛

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Thank you for sharing my post on memorable characters! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It's so fun to go down memory lane and remember the characters we've loved so much

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💛It really is!

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I love that you have found such a beautiful calmness in reading. I think we spend so much of life just trying to get to the next thing so we don't miss out that we don't actually enjoy what we're currently doing.

And thank you so much for sharing my piece and the kind words accompanying it. I also loved what you said about your own journey on bookstagram. I felt that 🤎

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It has been a positive turn of events! I do not think I’ve actually realized how quickly I would get through books. For some it’s half the joy, where you are just so invested that you can’t out it down, but for others, it’s a huge benefit to just take it slow. Who knew slow reading could be so satisfying? 😂

I really enjoyed your piece and it caused me to reflect on my own experiences on these platforms. It’s easier to see it now, when I have the distance to it.

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THIS was beautiful 🖤

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Thank you! 💛

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